Lara Croft: Angel of Darkness

Software Developer. Choral singer. Piano player. Icecream fanatic. Fascinated by everything. Learning Russian. Speaks (some) French. Laughs a lot. Bakes chocolate cakes. Theme song: Pretty Pink Ribbon by Cake.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

A car traveling 100 mph would take more than 29 million years to reach the nearest star

Yes, she's back blogging. After exhausting every other avenue of procrastination (including a very satisfying game of Monopoly, two movies, planning her computer buying, good old text-twist, and even 'spin the bottle - truth or dare' over the last few days) the blogspot has called itself to her attention.

She is also wondering why she externalises her life so much and prefers the third person narrative, especially in times of emotional turmoil. This is one for the psych students out there (Nathan? Doug, kind of?)

Yesterday she did absolutely zero work on her honours project. yes, this project that she really really wants to write as soon as possible. Today in fact she hasn't been much better. It seems to be a struggle to emerge from the covers before midday. Today she felt as if her head was exploding. Yesterday too. Possibly partially caffeine induced, emotional stress, and the workload mixed in with the complete absence of desire to work on her honours project. However - she did have a pretty good day today, she went to Riccarton Mall card-shopping with a friend, she went to the Ilam twilight fair and bought rhubarb chutney with Lis, Joy, Jeff and Kate, (I presume it's a j Jeff but it might be a g ge-off), and she even did maybe a maximum of two hours work. Maybe. Plus she sang with Jenna, cheered Jenna up (J is not looking forward to Monday's contract exam) and talked to the family friend around for dinner, and rang Mindy for a boy analysis talk. And had a delicious meal. Now if she could just wake up, and if her head could stop hurting, well, it'll be 10pm soon and that sounds like a great time to start writing stuff for her report. yeah! It would be great.

Biggest conundrum of the year - why is it that the boys she likes never like her back ? and then other boys jump out of the woodwork who *are* interested, so she tries to like them back but just can't?? Does she perhaps portray a different image of herself to who she really is? does she pick the wrong boys for herself? is she scared of relationship commitment so only goes after the unattainable? does she only relax enough to like someone after she's already decided they're unattainable? why does she change her mind so often too? The worst case - those boys who think they like her, she then thinks she might be able to like them back, then they change their mind - they're totally entitled to and it is understandable, but it still sucks. But then - does she really know what or who she wants anyway? Maybe she doesn't really like them after all, she just wants to since they like her.

Maybe she's just a little overtired and caffeine hyped adn emotionally messy at the moment. Everything will turn out just fine and the way it's meant to anyway! smile Lara!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2004

The hundred billionth crayon made by Crayola was Periwinkle Blue.

I'm joining Amelia in the 'let's see what short ways of procrastination there are on the internet' game. and found this! it's cool! you just enter your name and voila!!!

How to make a Lara Croft

1 part intelligence

1 part crazyiness

1 part empathy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of curiosity and enjoy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

There is a 1 in 685,000 chance that you will accidentally drown in your own bath.

And on that cheery note...

I had a dream not last night but the night before! Not just one dream but three dreams! This is a very rare occurrence. And I have heard people say that that hearing about dreams is about as interesting as watching grass grow but still...

You can hear about one of the dreams.

Lara gets on a train for an 8-hr long train trip and has her bag confiscated. On asking why she cannot have her book back she is told that there are plenty of things in the games room for children to do. She is then herded into a room full of kids up to age... 16 maybe.. - the unaccompanied minors - and protests "You do realise I'm 20!" Interesting that my subconscious thinks I'm still 20. Well, you know what they say about being young at heart....

biggest procrastination tool:

Random thought for the week: Do guys tease girls because they know girls like the attention? Or do girls learn to like being teased by guys cos they know it is a guy's way of showing affection? Kind of a chicken and egg situation....


yippidy doo dah

yippidy day

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Giraffes are unable to cough

I have a theory that there is an inverse relationship of some sort between the size of my posts and the number of comments they receive. I'm not sure why.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

My Flat

Originally uploaded by lararennie.
The landlord also visited today when I was at home with a builder and discussed shifting my bedroom door to the outside of the house such that people could enter our flat without walking through my bedroom. Which is a cool idea and I'm all in favour. So fingers crossed that it happens.
Here's a diagram of my flat for you. The red things are doors. the blue thing is the curtain from the lounge to my bedroom. It is very not to scale, becsue my room is about half the size of the other two bedrooms. The green thing is my wardrobe (temporary wall) and the yellow square my bed. Cool huh.

Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike

Yes, re the exciting titles for my blogs nowadays, I have decided to start using my blog to educate the masses.

Today something exciting happened. I went home after orchestra tonight (well, not home, to the flat) and then came to uni and everyone was gone! they'd all disappeared supermarching. Which was sad cos I always go too and I thought they would have waited. But then they came back and they'd bought me chocolate and a nerdilicious bar in memory of me since I wasn't there! How's that for a bunch of boys. I was very impressed.

Um. I got a really nice email today too. Which made me smile. And orchestra was really fun tonight, good to catch up with lisa. My screen saver I would like to say is brilliant cos Lisa came looking for me today and my screensaver said I was at the flat and probably asleep, and she rang my flat and that's precisely where I was and what I was doing! Anyway I now am the proud owner of one stein ticket.

Like to say thanks to Brio too! My headache eventually went and I felt super on the day of my exam.

So yeah. Now I am going to use this STUPID program written by some not-stupid person and do my ITS assignment.

Monday, October 04, 2004

The fingerprints of koala bears are so indistinguishable from humans that they could be confused at a crime scene

So I had a great weekend! I went skiing on Saturday, at Mt Olympus and it was brilliant! I decided after my seminar last week and big assignments that I needed a break before starting studying for my exams and doing my last assignment this week. On Friday night I mentioned I was going skiing with Matthew and Ron made some envious noises so I invited him along too and he actually came - I wasn't sure if he would or not. Anyway it was kind of a random day cos it was the end of season party and club races and stuff, so there were people in all kinds of retro gear, and suits, and dresses, all skiing round. The snow was beautiful spring stuff on the Back Run and Parson's Dollar, but icy yucky stuff elsewhere - so if you skied in the right places it was great. So sunny and beautiful, good catching up with a few people too.

Saturday night it was Amy's birthday party which I attended rather late by the time we finally managed to get home from skiing (had to go via Alice's home, where we waited for a while cos she'd left her car-keys up the mountain - we were supposed to be dropping her off at her car down the road but that didn't work for obvious reasons. but we got to see her puppies, and some of her 21st video with Matt filmed pulling the moves on Brit - funny!) but it was fun anyway.

Sunday I tried to get up at 9am (stupid daylight saving, cost me an hour! makes it so much harder) but managed to at 10.30. I then went to visit Big Nana and Pop, and had a delicious lunch (as you do at your grandparent's) and then attempted to study for tomorrow's exam, except every time I tried I ended up falling asleep. Had choir last night and that was *terrible* - the sopranos sang one note for one beat too long, and then the altos got out of time too cos they were waiting for us, and the whole thing fell apart, and what do I do? Have a guess. Yes, that's right, keeping true to form, it gets to the most inappropriate moment and Lara starts to laugh. And she can't stop. And then Jenna starts. so any time Lara almost has it under control she hears Jenna and starts again. Lara is almost biting through her bottom lip to cause herself enough pain to stop, but still can't... Finally regains control. then a later piece, the intro is being played in E minor and there's this random E-flat note being played under the whole piece. Even when the intro is stopped the Eflat is still booming on. Then we have to start on an E. and Lara is laughing again....After this piece, Lara and Sarah come in during the introduction for the next piece... you won't be surprised that this sets Lara off again...

After the service Lara apologises to the choir. She is then yelled at by the conductor - "For goodness sake, you're not a school-girl!" - well, no, technically not... but I've always had this laughing problem... So she then bursts into tears (nervous tension?) ... and then gets over it. I mean, it was funny at the time obviously, and it happened anyway, so may as well laugh about it now too ;)

Then Jenna and I went to Lisa's and watched Chicago and ate lemon pie for dessert. Yum. Weird movie. Would have been better if any of the main characters (apart from the husband) were actually nice at all so you cared about the outcome of anything. Like both of the girls were a) bitchy b) murderesses and c) stupid - well- only one of them was really, but still.

Then I went grocery shopping, and then to bed cos I was exhausted. I am still tired, and I have a headache. However, i'll feel great real soon. Cos I have a full-on day today - I have to see my lecturer about my tute and do some study between now and 11.30, and then I'm doing a psych expt, then attending russian for the first time in maybe 3 weeks, and then it's tute time. Which I am super not looking forward to - just can't be bothered today. Then it will be 3pm and I'll do maybe an hour of study, and then I'm visiting Megan, and going to Thai boxing, having tea, and studying all evening. Cool. So I should stop procrastinating now and actually get on and do some study now then!