Lara Croft: Angel of Darkness

Software Developer. Choral singer. Piano player. Icecream fanatic. Fascinated by everything. Learning Russian. Speaks (some) French. Laughs a lot. Bakes chocolate cakes. Theme song: Pretty Pink Ribbon by Cake.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Hello World!

I have been busy of late. Hence the lack of publication on my blog.
But today, because I can, I am going to write just a little on what I've been up to.
Yesterday - Sunday - was a beautiful day. So I slept in, went out for lunch with Laura and did some shopping - which was exciting - before coming to uni at 2pmish. When I got propositioned to play tennis I couldn't resist. I lost 6-1, which wasn't a brilliant result for me.. I obviously need more practice/training/reflexes/skill... something... but it was fun! and eventually we came back to uni and after not very long it was soccer time! Soccer was fun, but the opposition had this brilliant sharp-shooter and we just weren't finding the goal so we lost 12-0...
Then I had Indian for tea and did a little work, a little practice for a competition, and a little playing of UT.. in those stupid vehicles ( I get daredevil points all the time, not on purpose, but because I can't really control the direction I'm going so .. oops.. i just drove straight over that cliff.. rolled a little.. down that vertical incline.... you get the picture)

And now it's Monday and we're still on holiday! well - it's kind of the first day of holidays. So I slept in again, did mundane things like my washing, but also read a book for an hour at home! then I came to uni where I have been sitting here pleasantly in my new shoes and new stockings working on my oo project. So nice looking out my window to the blue sky too.

Exciting things coming up: going to Methven Thurs-Fri with Lisa! going skiing!!! cool. Lunch with Dad on Wednesday. Doing AR at Mindy's house tomorrow. Korfball tomorrow night, and Lisa and I are going to my house to have a putting-chains-on-my-car lesson. Wed night Jenna is coming to my flat for tea and then we're going out to see my cousin's son - he's really cool. So - a super week ahead hmm!! filled with lots of fun excitement and work!!

Friday, August 13, 2004

Ok... I'm puzzled....

who was that anonymous person who commented on my last post???? I can't even begin to imagine who it might be... lisa maybe?? hmmmm

Anyway. Quick update on my life. Am taking the job. So will be in Auckland next year knowing .. my cousin.... her husband... that's all. Exciting!

Soccer - lost 10-7, but then I couldn't play cos I was at the NZSO listening to LangLang play the first Chopin piano concerto - it was absolutely fantastic. Dinner at Indochine was also really really nice. (With mum - nice little treat for a poor student! ) I'm not sure they'll want me back... maybe for the entertainment factor?

Found something else I suck at - Unreal Tournament! the worst bit is getting in those stupid vehicles and trying to point the mouse so the camera is actually looking where you are going.... and also firing at someone - it's so hard to aim!! So if you hear squeaks of laughter emanating from the cosc room you'll know what I'm doing...

I am actually doing work now and have been for an hour. My computer is being frustrating though - I can't reboot it cos I'm running experiments, but it refuses to let me open any new application windows. So I am left with firefox, xemacs, openoffice and dcgui running. Could be worse... most of the essentials are there.

Extended my baking capabilities to peanut chocolate brownies the other day.

Ok think that's all my news. oh... I bought a ball ticket for this Saturday.. should be fun!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

rainy saturdays :)

Last night had choir and it was really good! Then I went to a gathering at Tim Bell's for the dept with some other guys from hons. This was quite amusing, especially when Karthik and Ron with the help of a few other instrumentalists performed a song they'd written about me...
And after that Ollie, James, Karthik and I played Roborally, this complex boardgame. i managed to lose entirely by committing suicide 3 times in a row - noone else ever attacked me. So obviously this is not really my forte but it was so much fun! stayed up late. slept lots today - Fraser asked if I was unwell :) but no, just resting. Going home to keep mum company tonight, then haircut and singing tomorrow and Paul and Miels and I are going to see King Arthur!! How exciting.

Thursday, August 05, 2004


9-3 guys!!! 9-3!!!! We only lost 9-3!!!! this is exciting news.

Plus I'm off to visit Nana and Pop this afternoon :)

And then it's thai boxing and orchestra this evening. What an exciting day.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Last night we played Trivial Pursuit. James and I destroyed the pathetic attempts of Ron and Karthik. (it was 5 pieces of pie to 1 at one stage!!!!)
I also prepared my seminar. Which I gave today. Fell asleep last night with light on, music going and my contacts in!!! but it's ok, nothing bad happened - eyes still fine today.

Gave seminar. Wasn't brilliant, but you know! good practice and over now. Since then i have done a little bit of work, some Russian hmwk, saw Confidences Trop Intime with Fraser - interesting, but what I mainly liked was listening to people speak French :).
Then I baked 2 chocolate cakes, and came back to uni! where I am now, poised to do work.

The Hons Indoor Soccer team has another game tonight!!!! How very exciting. I will try to laugh less and not be scared of the ball as much as last week. It might help.


For the uninitiated:

BzFlag is the best linux multiplayer game available. Up to 10 people are supposedly supported, but personally I've only played with 6. You have a tank, you move around a square, and kill other tanks (preferably of the other team - killing your team-mate results in your own death) with the help of superflags such as laser, machine gun, shockwave, thief, high speed, etc. And tanks can jump (but unless you have wings, you can't maneouvre in the air, which is frustrating as you jump and then have to wait to fall down right in front of someone who's about to shoot you).
There are buildings, and little transportation gates, and you can have bad flags too. You have a radar screen and a heads up display.
Basically - masses of fun. Team play is the best - especially if you have the genocide flag - then kill one person and their whole team dies! so exciting.

Definitely the best hons procrastination technique I've found this year. Come on Paul, you know you want to play!!!!

Ok. Must start writing seminar :)

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Misty Monday

Well I had a nice weekend I suppose. Sunday I went out for breakfast with Joy and spent a couple of hours chatting to her about life. After this I went to'll never guess.... university! Had choir which was initially very frustrating, due to a certain other member of the choir and some friction between me and the conductor. However, I resolved the latter (I hate conflict!!) and am pretending the former doesn't exist. Played bzflag. It is the *best* game in the world. I recommend it to one and all.

Today I have 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of taking a tutorial on finite automata, and how to make epsilon non-deterministic finite automata into deterministic.... yippidy doo dah.... and a singing lesson and I think I will play the piano. I also have to do some honours work. Have to give a wee seminar on Wednesday morning but I am refusing to write it cos I think it will just take as long as I give it and I don't want to spend much of my life on it.

Hope the weather clears up.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

It's a sunny day!

So I'm so excited. Have a concert in the Town Hall tonight - singing as part of the Cantores with the CSO and 4 'emerging artist' soloists. So that should be fun! Then I have a birthday party to go to (fashionably late) and then I'm meeting up with Lisa and Joy etc. and going dancing! Well, that's the plan anyway. SO I should do some honours work in the time before my exciting evening.