It's Official!
Yeah, no, don't worry, I am not getting married, or pregnant, or anything like that. But something else equally unexpected has happened - I have started training! I am running, on a regular basis. I went Saturday - 40min, Sunday - 40min, Tuesday - 30min and Wednesday 46min. Isn't this exciting! Well, the novelty hasn't worn off yet, and I make sure I go long blocks rather than shorter repetitions. The hills are tough though. Very. I think the half-marathon end goal (30 October) is going to be very helpful.
Life is somewhat interesting at the moment. Work was frustrating this afternoon - but it's been really good the rest of the week so I'm not too concerned, you get the bad with the good and that's life! Dad rang tonight and that was sad, he told me this story about how he'd been asleep all afternoon and Nana and Pop were knocking on the door and people were ringing and he slept right through, then 5 minutes later he started telling me again! Anyway it was nice that he rang, I was thinking about ringing them when he called.
Tonight has been really good - I had my singing lesson, came home and hung out with Ellen - Mike is in Hamilton for work and Tree has gone down for a long weekend in Chch. So Ellen and I talked, I did dishes, cooked tea, read my book a little, talked to Dad, Ellen and I baked muffins, and I tidied the living room. Satisfying :) I was going to do the bathroom sink and toilet (I did the shower two nights ago) but maybe I'll save those pleasures for the weekend. Ellen is so cool.
It's funny, there's other stuff I want to say here, but despite how it appears I'm not always completely honest - even though people won't read this and it would probably make me feel better to talk about it, I still don't want to just in case... so yeah from that you can take I'm a bit perturbed at the moment, but feeling better today, just thinking through some things. I wrote you a letter Lisa! Which you will probably get before you read this, but just in case, you know it's coming.
Oh and thanks Mindy for your present! It is so cool. I am writing you a letter and will hopefully finish it this weekend, but no promises ;)
Tomorrow is Friday! Byron's on morning tea, how exciting! (For those of you who don't know - Byron is the new guy at work - except he's no longer the newest guy. Out of my section of 21 people, 9 pepole have joined *after* me. And only one person has left. Anyway. Byron is from South Africa, he's lived in London, and in Kerikeri where he worked on a farm to get away from city life for a while, he loves surfing, has just built a house with his parents in SA (the walls are a nice shade of ochrey-yellow - his Mum chose them - I've seen the photos) and he lives in a flat in Mt Eden with some other randoms, who he insists on calling housemates, although I've told him that is a very British term. He's tall, sporty-looking, and quiet until you get to know him. And he reads!!)
I hope everyone in chch appreciates these little profiles of workmates. Mindy, I think you should do profiles on your site as well so I know who *you* work with!
Ok I am going to go look after my muffins. I hope everyone is well and happy :)
How exciting, I am now waiting for 3 letters. I've almost given up on one: Joy apparently sent me one discussing travel plans about 3 weeks ago. Hmm. And Shaayna just emailed me saying she sent one but that'll be at least a week (she is a Canadian friend). So yours should arrive first Lara!
Are you stretching after you run? It's very important.
I went skiing yesterday, and I'm a little sore today (despite stretching). Went up with a guy I know from uni and his mate, I kept up with them all day! Having said that, there were only 2 runs open so we just played slalem with the beginners tehe
Finally I got the goss on your SA'an co-worker. He sounds lovely, look out K eh? ;)
Hopefully this will say 'Lisa says', thanks for the tip Mindy and Hi, hows it going? Hope life is good.
Thanks Lara;) for the colourful introduction on your blog!
I especially liked the last comment which reminded me of a story about my mom (who chose the taragon-coloured paint for our house) "And he reads!!)"... My parents went on a holiday to Indonesia with a whole group of people from George (home-town in SA), and the one day my mom was sitting at the pool and one of the guys that went along was reading a book, my mom, who's never said anything sacrastic in her life , asked "oh, do you read?". The guy was SOOOO offended that my mom had called his literacy into question! Anyway I know exactly what you meant :))
Oh, and I live in a house , not a flat, so that's why I call them housemates (ie: share a room = roommate, share a flat = flatmate, share a house = housemate)
For the record I think "housemate" sounds pretty normal really... I don't think I'd even notice that someone had said housemate instead of flatmate. If anything I'd feel it implied less of a student-flat situation and more just grown up people living in a nice house together. So Lara you must be extra sensitive about that terminology and Byron's logic is impeccable.
Also thanks for talking to me on Saturday. I know how you feel, I'd quite like to talk about that kind of stuff on my blog but for obvious reasons I won't. Sorry that no one else will understand this comment but I feel way less the way I did on Saturday now. Blurg! But you did make an excellent point when you said it couldn't be the wrong decision.
Anyway hello everyone.
You forgot to say that he's also a cowboy! *grins*
Hey, you didn't write such a long introduction for me. *pouts* I am South African too, you know.
And I think you should talk about what's peturbing you. It's important :)
No, no no.
Byron - you do not live in a house. You live in a flat. A flat is either a) something in a block of flats or b) a place where non-related adults live together.
Mindy, you live in a flat, but I'm not sure quite why, since it doesn't fit in my definition. Hmm. Maybe because you're not immediate family, and there's no parents involved - you're living there as equal partners. Anyway: so clearly Byron lives in a flat, and therefore has flatmates.
I think I'm sensitive cos Karen used to call me her housemate, and I found it funny back then.
Well, Stephen, you are in fact one of the few that I have talked about it too!
And Stephen, your profile will come.
Hmmm no I definitely think I live in a house. It has walls, a roof, a fireplace, a garage and a backyard - it's a house. I'm going to start calling Kirsty and Andrew my housemates now! Hehe.
You guys all have WAY too much time on your hands... ;)
wtf just happened
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