Hello World!
I have been busy of late. Hence the lack of publication on my blog.
But today, because I can, I am going to write just a little on what I've been up to.
Yesterday - Sunday - was a beautiful day. So I slept in, went out for lunch with Laura and did some shopping - which was exciting - before coming to uni at 2pmish. When I got propositioned to play tennis I couldn't resist. I lost 6-1, which wasn't a brilliant result for me.. I obviously need more practice/training/reflexes/skill... something... but it was fun! and eventually we came back to uni and after not very long it was soccer time! Soccer was fun, but the opposition had this brilliant sharp-shooter and we just weren't finding the goal so we lost 12-0...
Then I had Indian for tea and did a little work, a little practice for a competition, and a little playing of UT.. in those stupid vehicles ( I get daredevil points all the time, not on purpose, but because I can't really control the direction I'm going so .. oops.. i just drove straight over that cliff.. rolled a little.. down that vertical incline.... you get the picture)
And now it's Monday and we're still on holiday! well - it's kind of the first day of holidays. So I slept in again, did mundane things like my washing, but also read a book for an hour at home! then I came to uni where I have been sitting here pleasantly in my new shoes and new stockings working on my oo project. So nice looking out my window to the blue sky too.
Exciting things coming up: going to Methven Thurs-Fri with Lisa! going skiing!!! cool. Lunch with Dad on Wednesday. Doing AR at Mindy's house tomorrow. Korfball tomorrow night, and Lisa and I are going to my house to have a putting-chains-on-my-car lesson. Wed night Jenna is coming to my flat for tea and then we're going out to see my cousin's son - he's really cool. So - a super week ahead hmm!! filled with lots of fun excitement and work!!