Lara Croft: Angel of Darkness

Software Developer. Choral singer. Piano player. Icecream fanatic. Fascinated by everything. Learning Russian. Speaks (some) French. Laughs a lot. Bakes chocolate cakes. Theme song: Pretty Pink Ribbon by Cake.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes.

Today was a really good day. Had my pdi (performance development interview) which was interesting - an hour where I get to talk about work and me and what I think, like an interview except you've already got the job. Also played touch (we lost, again) which was fun, and when I left work early to go to the doctor's I wasn't even that excited because I was still enjoying myself at work. Also passed my work instructions on working outside, on construction sites and near moving machinery. Funny. Ellen and I cooked tea tonight, a creamy chicken dish on rice. Yum. Ellen did a super job of cleaning the kitchen today and it looks awesome. Jenna comes up tomorrow! That will be exciting. I actually don't have much planned for the weekend, except buy some shoes, see if I still fit my dress, and find Karthik a suit or something to hire for the ball. And maybe Jenna and I can go somewhere exciting. If the weather is nice Waiheke island might be a goer, but if not then maybe the art gallery, or shopping, or some nice cosy cafe...

Ok don't have a lot to say today but thought I should get back in the habit of regular posts for the one or two people who actually read them! Although to be fair, if I wrote more then people might be more encouraged to visit and read...


At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you putting on weight Lara? You should come back to uni, stress and bad eating will quickly get you back in shape ;)

Nice to see regular-ish posts again :)

At 6:34 PM, Blogger LaraCroft said...

Well, if I am putting on weight, it's only in a specific area which is proving to be rather annoying. Yeah - uni - stress it could provide, but I don't think my late-night ventures to buy pistachio nuts, chocolate and icecream and oh chips and dip or crackers and cheese really constitutes good eating.. I don't know how you stay so slim Ollie, your metabolism must be off the scale..


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