A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
But how big is a glass? Still, quite generous of the cow I thought.
Sometimes I feel really stupid. In fact, at my job, I feel really stupid quite often. I was looking at an installed version of a C# project today and wondering where the source files are. Um Lara... still on the website under the 'source files download' link...oh well. In doing computer science I have probably picked the thing I am the worst at. Well, apart from say being a swimming or golf instructor, or an acrobat, or a builder, clothes maker, hmm yeah that's about it. But then, I don't feel particularly talented at anything these days. I can't think of anything I'm *really* good at. Yes, all you people who know me will think this is weird because of my good grades ra-deee-rah etc. No, I'm not depressed or unhappy, or whatever - I'm serious. I don't feel naturally talented at anything, except I think quickly in a lot of situations, and learn things well, and do well in exams. Basically when it comes down to it, that's what I'm good at - exams. And you can't be a professional exam-sitter as a career. I don't think I'd like the stress aspect anyway. That all said, I really like my job. I feel satisfied when a customer is happy when I write a program for them. I wrote a C# application (the gui was not my best work ever, but I was learning the language, and had a tight deadline - it looks and works just fine but the code is not even close to elegant) and I've written many documents, and quite a few asp pages, and am just learning about ASP.Net at the moment for my latest project. Maybe I chose it because it is hard for me and I enjoy the challenge. Maybe the challenge aspect is what is motivating me to start learning lots of languages. I keep hoping to find the time to read my Russian and Chinese textbooks again to learn it again so they stay in my head, and I bought a $10 learn spanish cd, am slowly learning Norwegian from a book that I bought (the recent arrival of my flatmate's Norwegian gf may help that a bit) and today succumbed and bought a book on learning Hindi for beginners. Oh and my workmate has taught me some punjabi. I can say 'Sat Sri Akal' (hello), 'dhanwaad' (thanks) 'kol goi nahi' (you're welcome) and 'bhraji, chun gei ho' (spelling?) - which is 'hey bro, how's things?' - not that I can understand the response, unless the body language is nice and clear.
Ok I'm going to go to bed now.. my last night in my little room with it's balcony and harbour view... I swap with Mike (with afore-mentioned norwegian gf) tomorrow so he has more space and I have to pay less money - save $40 a week so that is exciting! I might start buying more books. Am reading 'A suitable boy' and am up to page 1003 of 1369 or something so am getting there - quite involved in the lives of the characters now and really want to know who Lata will marry! It is a good book and very eye-opening for me reading about indian culture, especially Muslim culture which i previously knew very little about. But at the start I was very confused between all the characters' names, and there is quite a lot of politics in it too.
Went out for tea tonight at 'Delicious', an italian pasta restaurant on Karthik's road. Very nice - I wasn't very hungry so we shared wedges and then I had soup and some semi-freddo for dessert (wine-flavoured and very yummy). When I say 'I wasn't very hungry' I mean 'I was completely and utterly full' because our secretary, Margo, screwed up our morning tea roster and assigned two people to today so we had a huge morning tea at work and it kept me going all day (I kept snacking all day on it) plus I had an icecream late in the afternoon (I ended up outside Mr Whippy and they had passionfruit icecream... what could I do...)
I wonder if this is a long post compared to those I used to write last year. I must just be in the mood. I am so sleepy though! Had planned to do all sorts of things but talked to my flatmates and then replied to an email and then read Ollie's and Karthik's blogs and got inspired....
Hey I bought a printer the other day! Very cheap - under $60 - got it through Karthief and it arrived today. So I might open that tomorrow. Very exciting. And I got my passport the other day. And I got an invite to a 21st from this girl in youth choir!
Ok I really am going to bed now before I collapse and die.
A Post!!!
No longer am I alone in the world :)
Of course I haven't posted anything that recently as our internet connection appears to have gone the way of the Dodo for reasons no one can work out... maybe interference or similar.
So anyhoo, I wouldn't worry about your coding skill, as that is merely a practice thing -- You avoided code where possible at uni so that's put you back a little now thast you're working. Now that you're being forced to code you should get good at it quickly :)
Anyway, I should be working,
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